Our objective is to improve access and quality of education for needy students through the provision of scholarships, learning materials and improved public school infrastructure.
The Development Concern
Kenya has made good progress in primary education completion and transition to secondary education compared to many other Sub-Saharan African countries. Commendable government interventions such as Free Primary Education have led to increases in primary level enrolment and higher demand for secondary school facilities as parents realise the necessity of advanced education.
Despite the Kenyan government’s subsidy of secondary education, Kenyan households still bear a huge burden of the costs such as purchase of uniforms and boarding-related levies. Financial commitments at secondary school level still account for high percentage of the annual per capita household expenditure.
While the increased availability of bursaries (e.g. from the Constituencies Development Fund) have provided many families with financial assistance, the pressing burden of secondary school fees and associated expenses such as uniform, boarding and other learning materials still prevents many students from furthering their education.
Addressing the concern
In response to the aforementioned challenges, KCB Foundation provides secondary education scholarships for bright but needy students. Annually, the programme targets 240 beneficiaries, with 40 of them being students with physical challenges who benefit from a full scholarship for four years of secondary education.
Objective of the Scholarship Programme
- Increase access to education for the under privileged
- Increase transition rates between primary and secondary school
- Increase the employability rate of the beneficiaries upon clearing their studies
Supporting People Living With Disabilities to Access Education
- KCB Foundation has collaborated with KISE (Kenya Institute of Special Education) to design and execute proper management and mentorship of scholarship for PLWDs (People Living with Disabilities).
- The Foundation is currently sponsoring 47 bright but needy 2017 KCPE candidates who have been enrolled into the M-PESA Foundation Academy in the year 2018.
Out of the over 1,500 beneficiaries, over 120 are PLWDs. This is in accordance with the Vision 2030 requirement for inclusion in access to education.
Our Impact
- Over 1,500 beneficiaries since 2007
- Inclusion of students with disability through provision of scholarships to over 120 students living with visual, hearing and physical disabilities
- The initiative has been marked by a completion rate of 98% – 99% from year to year
- Construction and refurbishment of over 200 school structures through the My School My Community initiative
- Learning materials such as desks, books, water harvesting equipment for over 500 schools through the KCB branch network
Information for Scholarship Applicants
To qualify for a KCB Scholarship;
- The applicant must come from a needy home
- The applicant must attain the prescribed county cut off marks in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examination
- The applicant must have a calling latter to a national or county/ex-county secondary school
To access a KCB scholarship;
- Applicants collect application forms at any KCB Branch countrywide. The forms are available in the branches starting 1st December
- Applicants submit their applications in a county interview and selection process
- The interviews are conducted by KCB staff teams
- Applicants with disability are recruited through the county social development offices and integrated /special primary schools
- Home visits are conducted to verify the needy status of the shortlisted candidates
- Selected candidates are assigned to individual mentors and begin school
The KCB Scholarship package entails:
- Payment of school fees for the 4 years of secondary school
- Support for personal effects, learning materials and assistive devices for students with disability
- Quarterly one-on-one mentorship sessions with KCB branch staff and an annual holiday mentorship programme
- Internship and employment opportunities during and after the university studies
- Equitable distribution across the counties and gender balance is sought to ensure both boys and girls benefit from the programme.