Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1. Who is eligible to qualify for the 2Jiajiri program?

    The 2Jiajiri program seeks to uplift and formalize the jua kali / informal sector in the disciplines of Construction, Automotive Services, Domestic Services, Beauty & Personal Care and Agriculture. The categories of people that are eligible to apply for the program are:

    • Existing micro business owners (of registered and unregistered businesses). They should be in business for a duration of 1-5years at the time of application to the program.
    • Apprentices: Must be 35years and below and should have worked under a supervisor for the past 6 to 12 months at the time of application to the program.
    • Out of school youth aged 35years and below
  • 2. How does my community qualify for participation in the Mifugo ni Mali program?
    • KCB Foundation and your county government need to have signed a partnership to allow opportunity for your county to benefit from the Mifugo ni Mali program
    • Your county must be in the list of Arid & Semi-Arid counties of Kenya
    • To access the benefits, the livestock farmers in your county must form or register into cooperative societies. This process is managed and guided by the county officials in charge of livestock and the cooperative movement.
  • 3. How do I submit a request for support of a community project to the KCB Foundation?

    Requests for support on community projects should be presented in writing at the KCB branch closest to the location of the community project

  • 4. How do I apply for a KCB secondary school scholarship?
    • Recruitment for the scholarship program happens once a year (December – January).
    • During the recruitment period, look out for the details on the application process in the local press and the website or enquire at your local KCB Branch
    • The eligibility criteria for consideration of the secondary school scholarship includes;
      1. The applicant must come from a needy home
      2. The applicant must attain the prescribed county cut off marks in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examination
    • The applicant must have a calling latter to a national or county/ex-county secondary school
  • 5. What is 2Jiajiri?

    2jiajiri is a skills development and job creation program being implemented by KCB Foundation that seeks to catalyse employment and wealth creation among existing ‘jua kali’ entrepreneurs and the youth.

  • 6. How do I get signed up on the 2Jiajiri program?
    • Recruitment for the 2Jiajiri program happens once a year (December – January).
    • During the recruitment period, look out for the details on the application process in the local press and the website or enquire at your local KCB Branch
  • 7. What kind of support can I expect from the KCB Foundation?
    • Provision of secondary scholarships for needy bright students. This support is available only at the beginning of the year when the scholarship targets Form 1 recruits
    • Provision of a vocational skills scholarships under the 2Jiajiri program
    • Capacity building for livestock farmers in arid and semi-arid areas under the Mifugo ni Mali program
  • 8. Are persons with disability eligible for participation in the KCB Foundation programs?

    Persons with disability can apply for support on any of the Foundation’s core programs i.e The KCB Scholarships, 2Jiajiri and Mifugo ni Mali.